Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Little Less Fluffy

My husband, my mother and I just returned from Alabama where we were visiting family. I really haven't realized how much weight I had lost till I looked at the pictures. I usually am behind the camera not in front of it. I love taking pictures but not being in them. But can you blame me, I was 306 lbs. I now am 220 lbs to 230 lbs right now. I will let you see the difference.

At 306 lbs, My heaviest.

This is my Alabama Photo with my husband that has also lost 60 lbs.

I am still wanting to get myself down to a healthy 145 lbs but all in time. I about to start the hard process of what is the P90X exercise system...AHHHH. I have done this at about 280 lbs and I almost died. I hope it is easier this time around. I really want to be below 200 lbs by 16 December. Why? You ask. My husband and I are taking my Mom to Disney for Christmas. I have ordered a swimming suit. (Scared to death) I haven't been in a swimming suit in about 10 years and even longer than that in public. But, I am living it up I can't wait to show off all of my hard work. I don't care what others think..well...not to much. LOL. Take care everyone. Hopefully, I will be back soon with more recipes and an update on my weight loss!!!


I have been so busy since Halloween. I figured I would let you all see what I was for Halloween and how I decorated my yard this year. Right now I am looking up Christmas crafts, listening to Christmas music, and putting up my Christmas Decor. Tree is up right now but it is not decorated yet. When I get everything done I will post my Christmas Decor pictures.

So here is the husband...he was a undertaker/grim reaper.
I was a living dead girl....I even made my neck up like it was slashed. 
And drum is my masterpiece...MY YARD

I hope you all love the photos. I want to dedicate some time now to my crafty side. I love to draw and make crafts. I have been gone from that for a long while and have been craving to bring out my artsy side once again. I am even thinking about selling some items on etsy. I hope I take some time to fulfill this urge. LOL