Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I have had some issues in the last couple months with my Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. I have been away from my blog because of depression and doctor appointments. I have stalled out with my weight loss. I started at  306 and I am down to about 222. I have remained at that weight for the last couple of months. I have to get back into eating better even on the weekends and commit to exercising on a regular basis. I have had severe migraines, my hair has starting falling out. I have to really get back into being my own doctor at times and find information on my own. Sometimes when I say PCOS...I get a blank stare. Then I think here I go again. I am going to start posting not only healthy recipes but my vent and informational progress with my PCOS. I need an outlet other than my poor husband lol. I hope everyone out there is doing good and keep checking back for new posts.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Gerri! Thank you so much sharing your blog. I also have PCOS and get so discouraged with my weight and depression. I'm working with a team of doctors and feeling hopeful. It's good to know that I'm not alone. You are not alone either! :)
