Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Summer Squash Gratin

The gratin turned out wonderful. A bit cheesy, a bit crunchy, and very filling. We’ll definitely be making this again – with all kinds of variations. This recipe called for zucchini, unfortunately they were out at the store so we used all yellow squash. The original recipe also suggested using eggplant for a different taste. This is a great adaptation from the original recipe. I was thinking I was gonna miss the panko bread crumbs the the Medifast Crackers did a great job. We cook so much with garlic now it is just easier to purchase the garlic already minced in the jar. If you use fresh garlic it will need to be sauteed so you might have to split up your spritzes of oil spray between your Z&S and your garlic. I hope you enjoy this recipe, I think I will wait and see if the store get more zucchini and try it in this recipe the way it should have been made. The yellow squash was excellent by the way just looking for different variations. ENJOY!!!!

Summer Squash Gratin

Ingredients (serves 2)
• 1 1/2 cups sliced medium squash
• 1 ½ cups sliced medium zucchini
• 1 ½ cups sliced medium tomatoes
• 2 cloves garlic, finely minced (we used the already prepared garlic in a jar)
• 1 cup shredded cheese
• one package crushed Medifast crackers
• 10 second spray of oil, ½ teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon dried basil

This makes two servings

Per serving
½ Lean serving
3 vegetable servings
2 condiments
½ optional snack

·        Begin by slicing the Z&S into 1/4" slices.  I sprinkled them with salt and about 9 spritz of oil and sautéed them, but broiling or grilling would work too. When they’re done they should be medium-crispy little chips.
·        While the Z&S cook, slice the tomatoes into 1/4" slices as well.
·        Preheat the oven to 350* at this point. Combine garlic with 1/2C of the shredded cheese and 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil and mix well.
·        To assemble, use a 8 x 8 baking dish. Give it a quick spray and begin layering the Z&S. Allow each "chip" to slightly overlap its neighbor. Once you have a complete layer, sprinkle with some of the cheese, garlic, basil mix. Everything should be salted enough, but I recommend a healthy peppering.
·        Continue layering the Z&S and cheese until you run out – then layer the tomatoes on top. Combine the rest of the cheese with the medifast crackers and sprinkle over the entire dish.
·        Bake for 25 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. This gratin looks delicious! Thanks for sharing this information as well as the recipe. As you have or haven't known I have a painting blog. If you aren't doing anything you could drop by anytime. Thanks!
